I saw Adam Lambert singing on VH1 and thought Kelly Osbourne had a bad cold...
I never knew Ron Jeremy had THAT talent!
That is all
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Some of my random thoughts and ideas... Be afraid, be very afraid... Oh, but before you run in fear scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign my guestbook! :D
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When I first heard about the new Droid I was SO excited!!! I read everything I could find about it. I have the "new every two" plan from Verizon but they sent me a coupon for early trade in! YES! So, I ran right out and got my Droid. After the first week, when I was bedazzled by all the neat "apps", interactive menus and gadgets I discovered that I was REALLY frustrated! This was not a phone, it was a microscopic underpowered computer in a cell phone costume. The lag on this thing was MIND MELTING. The camera was SO slow to boot that you better hope you were trying to photograph a landscape and not some fast moving object... like a snail. Want to actually use it as a phone? Lets hope you bought the optional protective case so the phone wouldn't shatter when you threw it at the wall. Smart-phone my a$$! I was paying $30 extra a month for a fancy, slow, solitaire machine. I decided to trade it in for a "normal" phone. Much to my dismay, by the time I figured out that I hated this phone I had just missed the end of the "trial period". They wouldn't let me return it. I would have to buy a phone from them at FULL PRICE if I wanted to ditch the Droid. ARGH! Caught in the leg hold trap of the fine print. DAMMIT! Thankfully there was a local store that bought used phones. They gave me a "reasonable" price for my Droid (still $70 less than I paid for it) so I could afford a second hand turn in from Verizon's secret used phone list. I finally had what I was looking for in the first place. A NORMAL cell phone with a qwerty keyboard that didn't have a GINOURMOUS cell plan attached to it. That is my rant. Have you you owned a Droid? What did you think? | |||
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